Title: 90 Day Fiancé: Love in Paradise Overview: Amber and Daniel's goodbye is lightened by his impending move to America. When Steven second guesses proposing, Martine gains clarity. Key tells Mark what he's been waiting to hear. Aryanna gets some unexpected news and worries about the future.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé: Love in Paradise Overview: Daniel feels the pressure as Amber stresses about his visa interview. Sherlon and Aryanna's alone time is cut short. Mark offers a compromise to keep Key in his life. Steven buys Martine a ring, but he isn't sure what her answer will be.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé: Love in Paradise Overview: Amber and Daniel ride ATVs to a waterfall with the hope of reconciling after their fight. Aryanna's family leaves, and she moves in with Sherlon. Key makes a decision about moving to the US. Martine worries that she may never be able to trust Steven.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé: Love in Paradise Overview: Daniel is worried that Amber is creating chaos in his life, while Amber seeks out reassurance. Aryanna and Sherlon's date night takes a turn. At dinner, Key is still reeling from Mark's ultimatum. Martine confronts Steven about a suspicious text.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé: Love in Paradise Overview: Amber storms off after seeing Daniel flirting with another girl. Sherlon struggles with the pressure from Aryanna to move to America. Worried about Key's past, Mark delivers an ultimatum. Steven gets pressure from his family to commit to Martine.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé: Love in Paradise Overview: Daniel and his brother surprise Amber with their plans. Aryanna's family pushes for Sherlon to commit. Mark's hopes for the future encounter obstacles. Martine's parents put pressure on Steven to be the man their daughter deserves.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé: Love in Paradise Overview: Daniel drops a bomb on Amber after an amazing night together. Aryanna travels to Jamaica and is anxious about seeing Sherlon. Mark and Key have a passionate reunion and reminisce about old times. Martine pushes Steven to think beyond their vacation fun.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé: Love in Paradise Overview: Sherlon, who also works at a swingers resort, is the Jamaican national who meets Illinois native Aryanna, while she is visiting the island. They have a brief fling and she is now pregnant.
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