Title: 90 Day Fiancé Overview: Blake & Jasmin, Anna & Mursel, Robert & Anny, and Tania & Syngin are out of time and must wed. Angela & Michael have a setback. Mike's call to Natalie leaves some unanswered questions. Michael talks to his ex-wife, Sarah, about his prenup decision.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé Overview: Syngin considers going back to South Africa. Mursel feels he made a mistake. Mike consults a lawyer. Angela rethinks a Nigerian wedding. Jasmin & Blake's families meet. Stephanie makes Anny an offer. Michael & Juliana and Emily & Sasha reach wedding day.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé Overview: Blake and Jasmin argue on a night out. Mike returns to Washington. Emily and Betsy shop for a wedding dress. Michael's family confront Angela about their wedding. Tania's revelation pushes Syngin away. It's Michael and Juliana's wedding day.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé Overview: Mursel packs his bags for Turkey. Angela arrives in Nigeria. Natalie's reveal leaves Mike devastated. Juliana bonds with Michael's ex. Tania and Syngin's romantic reunion goes south. Blake's friends confront him about Jasmin.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé Overview: Anna reveals big news to her family. Angela fights for Michael's visa. Syngin needs more from Tania. Mike has tough questions for Natalie. Betsy grills Sasha about his past. Anny cries shopping for a wedding dress. Blake's mom attempts to bond with Jasmin.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé Overview: Tania & Syngin struggle with communication. Juliana seeks independence. Religion divides Mike & Natalie. Mursel makes an important decision. Jasmin finds it hard to fit in. Anny's birthday gets wild. Angela hears news about Michael's visa.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé Overview: Michael & Juliana discuss a potential pre-nup. Angela goes wedding gown shopping. Emily & Sasha arrive in the U.S. Robert and Anny go apartment hunting. Anna gives Mursel an ultimatum. Natalie panics about her differences with Mike.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé Overview: Syngin prepares for a month without Tania. Anna questions her engagement. Blake & Jasmin's living situation changes unexpectedly. Leaving Russia brings Sasha to tears. Michael & Juliana get real about their financial future. Angela & Michael return.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé Overview: Mike learns of Natalie's past heartbreak. Anna weeps in a wedding dress. Anny has issues with Robert's exes. Emily doubts Sasha's dedication. Jasmin meets Blake's friends. Tania reveals she's leaving for a month. Juliana moves into Michael's house. Mike learns of Natalie's past heartbreak. Anna weeps in a wedding dress. Anny has issues with Robert's exes. Emily doubts Sasha's dedication. Jasmin meets Blake's friends. Tania reveals she's leaving for a month. Juliana moves into Michael's house.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé Overview: Anna's friends have concerns about Mursel. Tania & Syngin butt heads when they arrive at the shed. Blake & Jasmin's reunion falls flat. Natalie anxiously waits for Mike's arrival in the Ukraine. Juliana is third wheel when she finally meets Michael's ex...
Title: 90 Day Fiancé Overview: Anny becomes frustrated with Robert's promised shopping spree; Tania and Syngin disagree on their future plans; Anna feels Mursel is asking too much from her; Emily goes into labor; Mike and Natalie make their introduction.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé Overview: Tania races to meet Syngin at the airport in time for a special arrival; Anna introduces Mursel to her family, and reveals a secret; Emily and Sasha have a tense meeting with his ex-wife; interview allegations prevent Juliana from coming to the U.S.
Title: 90 Day Fiancé Overview: Friends and families offer a dose of reality with harsh questions to the Americans about how well they truly know their foreign partners.
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