Title: 90 Day: The Single Life Overview: The cast weighs in on an unexpected appearance from Brittany. Molly's past comes back to haunt her with a surprise entrance from her ex. Fernanda faces Robby, and Ed and Liz consider rekindling the flame. Colt and Vanessa drop a bomb that shocks everyone.
Title: 90 Day: The Single Life Overview: The cast comes together to revisit the highs and lows of their lives on the rebound. Liz and Big Ed get emotional, Debbie gets heated over comments on her relationship with Colt, and Danielle gives an update on Robert. Meanwhile, Brittany is MIA.
Title: 90 Day: The Single Life Overview: Ed confronts Liz about not being a priority in her life. Brittany wants another chance with Terence. Danielle comes clean about her past to Robert. Molly has some bad news for Kelly. Colt gets down on one knee.
Title: 90 Day: The Single Life Overview: Fernanda has the hots for her new roommate. Ed worries when he hasn't spoken to Liz in days. Brittany thinks she sabotaged things with Terence. Colt makes a decision about proposing. Danielle gets the second date she's been waiting for.
Title: 90 Day: The Single Life Overview: Ed's daughter Tiffany has harsh words when meeting Liz. Colt and Vanessa's intimacy issues may pull them apart. Molly uncovers the truth about Kelly's past. Brittany is ready to reuntie with Terence.
Title: 90 Day: The Single Life Overview: Molly shocks Kelly with a big question. Ed spills the tea about his night with Liz. Colt plans a big surprise. Fernanda drops a bomb on Robby.
Title: 90 Day: The Single Life Overview: Molly has strong concerns about Kelly after snooping on social media, and Brittany questions her feelings for Justin.
Title: 90 Day: The Single Life Overview: After their 90 Day Fiancé romances fell apart, Ed, Colt, Danielle, Molly, Fernanda and Brittany are on a mission to find love again. They may think they're single and ready to mingle, but past heartbreak could hold them back from new romance.
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