Title: The Family Chantel Overview: Nicole and Lidia's prank on Chantel's family backfires. Instead of backing down, Chantel and River head to the Dominican Republic to confront Pedro and his family.
Title: The Family Chantel Overview: Pedro discovers alarming information about Scott. Chantel meets up with an old friend who knows a lot about Pedro's past. Lidia and Nicole plot their revenge after learning that Karen is having them investigated.
Title: The Family Chantel Overview: While in New York, Chantel goes on her first date in a decade as Karen and Winter head out to meet up with Alejandro. Meanwhile, Lidia introduces Pedro to her boyfriend, and it goes worse than she feared.
Title: The Family Chantel Overview: Karen reveals that she met with a private investigator and confirms Chantel's worst suspicions about Pedro. Officially single and ready to move on, Pedro goes on a couple of dates with some familiar faces.
Title: The Family Chantel Overview: Still reeling from her emotional meeting with Pedro, Chantel decides to have a yard sale for all the items he left behind. After arriving in the Dominican Republic, Pedro finds that his mother's love life is even more dramatic than his own.
Title: The Family Chantel Overview: Chantel and Pedro attempt to move on, and neither of them can help but reflect on their shared past. As their divorce comes closer to finalizing, Pedro and Chantel are forced to see each other for the first time since he left.
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